
Who We Are?

Our Mission

Redolence Publishing was founded with a purpose, and that is to be a sweet aroma in the lives of those who read our books. We acknowledge that entertainment has some value, and we hope that our books are entertaining enough to hold the attention of our readers, but we will not publish any volume that seeks only to entertain. Our words must be helpful. They must be designed to assist, encourage, or benefit the reader in some other manner.

Our authors believe that they have an obligation to share their knowledge with others, and that’s what motivates them to write; and we believe our authors have a right to be compensated for their service, which is why we charge the public for our books. This arrangement is good.  Happy reading.

Extraordinary Experiences

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Our Core Values

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  • Locavit liberioris possedit
  • Diremit mundi mare undae
  • Spectent tonitrua mutastis